While they have this effect, Dreamsteal won't work on them again. Once cast on a sleeping NPC, that NPC gains the Dreamsteal active effect for 43,200 seconds (12 hours). Both of the damaging components of the enchantment, Waking Nightmare and Psychic Agony, affect only targets who are awake. The staff should never harm a sleeping NPC. If equipped, guards will make comments about the staff: "What manner of staff is that? Such a horror." and "What a foul and unnatural weapon you wield. To Dreamsteal, you simply cast it on a sleeping person and it will collect their dreams however, it will still need to be charged with soul gems as well. The Skull of Corruption is a dream-powered staff given by Vaermina as a reward for completing the Waking Nightmare quest in Dawnstar. The Spear of Bitter Mercy CC is an unobtainable artifact that is used by the goblin Gogh. For unique items that are quest-related, see Quest Items.For items that do not fit all of the requirements of an Artifact and are not leveled, see Unique Items.For items that are leveled, see Leveled Items.This article only lists items that fit the definition of an artifact. There are nine of these scattered across Skyrim, each with unique powers and enchantments. In addition to the Daedric artifacts, there are also other unique relics such as the masks worn by the undead Dragon Priests. Nineteen Daedric Artifacts are available in the game most are rewards for the Daedric Quests. These items are formed from the essence of a Daedric Prince, providing the items with their power. Many of the artifacts are of Daedric origin.

However, many artifacts do not have an applicable perk that allows improvement past flawless quality without a Smithing skill of greater than 100. Improving enchanted items requires the Arcane Blacksmith perk. The material and perk relevant to each item is given below. Some of them may be improved by smithing. None of these artifacts can be disenchanted to learn the enchantment. The definition used for artifacts on this article is that the item must meet all three of the following requirements: Many of the artifacts in Skyrim have appeared in previous Elder Scrolls games, as listed at the Lore article on artifacts. 4.13 Reforged Gauntlets of the CrusaderĪn artifact is a unique and unusually powerful magical item.